MSSE Admission (Session 2023-24) is going on. (Last date of application: February 18, 2025) || Training program admission is going on. || Executive MIT 6th Batch (Spring 2024-25) admission is going on. (Last Date of Application: 18 February, 2025) || PGDIT 4th Batch (Spring 2024-25) admission is going on. (Last Date of Application: 18 February, 2025)

Wireless Network and Security

Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have revolutionized the way wireless access is available to end users. Due to their favorable characteristics, such as self-organization, self-configuration, self-healing, easy maintenance, high scalability, and reliable services, WMNs have gained acceptance from both industry and academia as a cost-effective approach to support high-speed last-mile connectivity and ubiquitous broadband access. We have been carrying out research in the field of WMN that mainly focuses on: Design of high throughput Routing Metric, Multipath load balancing routing protocol and Medium Access Control Protocol for IEEE 802.11s WMN.  In addition to the wireless networking research, we also have keen interest on the security aspects of network and software. We conduct basic research in the field of Key Management, Secure routing in multi-hop wireless networks, web security, detection of and prevention strategy on different kinds of attacks on WMN, WLAN and cloud computing.