To provide facilities for development of qualified manpower in Information Technology (IT)
To promote the use of IT in the University and the country
To promote multidisciplinary development of computer applications
To provide courses leading to diplomas and degrees related to computing, computer applications and IT
To provide training to students, teachers, officers and employees of the University in relevant fields of IT
To provide short term courses and training to interested and qualified persons from outside the University in relevant fields of IT
To provide refresher courses and training in newly emerging branches of IT
To provide consulting and advisory services to the University and other educational institutions, the Government of Bangladesh, NGO’s, private and public sector corporations, industries and all other organizations which seek such assistance
To initiate, organize and perform research in different IT sectors including computer applications in science, social science, business, administration, linguistics and all other subjects in which computer may be usefully employed
To produce software for indigenous use as well as for export
To hold seminars, conferences, workshops and other events related to the development of IT in the country
To plan, install, maintain and develop computer networks within the University and also links to other institutions in the country as well as the internet
To provide consulting and advisory services and also some physical assistance to the University community in matters related to the purchase, maintenance and development of computing hardware and software through a Computing Service Cell Which will form an integral part of the Institute
2016 © IIT. Developed by BSSE 3rd Batch.