List of selected candidates of MSSE Admission Test (Session:2023-24) has been published. For details please click here

The Computer Center of the University of Dhaka was established in 1985. It boasts the history of hosting the first mainframe computer at the university and one of the first centers in Bangladesh to adopt digitization. In 2001, the erstwhile Computer Center was named as the Institute of Information Technology by the Senate of the university. The primary aim of this institute was to create skilled manpower in the field of ICT that will ensure digital development of the country as a whole. In other words, the institute aimed to contribute to the global requirement of ICT enabled workforce to compete with the rest of the world in Software Engineering activities.

Throughout its lifespan, IIT has been blessed with a number of capable Directors, whose proper guidance has taken the institute to international standards, establishing high performance in the field of various Software Engineering paradigms. IIT is ever so endowed to them for their memorable contributions and will like to remember them with notable respect. Following are the names of the distinguished directors.


Roll of Honour

Computer Center (1985-2001)

Director Name From To
Prof. A M Harun ar Rashid13-May-198529-Aug-1989
Prof. Ajoy Kumar Roy30-Aug-198930-Jun-1995
Prof. Md. Lutfar Rahman01-Jul-199503-Nov-1999
Prof. Ahmed Shafee04-Nov-199926-Jun-2001

Institute of Information Technology (2001-till date)

Director Name From To
Prof. Ahmed Shafee27-Jun-200124-Jul-2002
Prof. A K M Maqbulur Rahman31-Jul-200229-Jul-2005
Prof. Zerina Begum30-Jul-200529-Jul-2008
Prof. Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz30-Jul-200829-Jul-2011
Prof. Md. Mahbubul Alam Joarder30-Jul-201130-Jul-2014
Dr. Kazi Muheymin-Us-Sakib01-Aug-201405-Aug-2017
Dr. Md. Shariful Islam06-Aug-201705-Aug-2020
Dr. Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan06-Aug-202005-Aug-2023
Dr. B M Mainul Hossain06-Aug-2023Present