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Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz

Full Name Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz
Designation Professor
Qualification Bsc. (Hons), Msc. (Thesis)
DBLP Profile
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Status On Duty

Published Papers:

01. K. S. Sultana, W Allison and M. Z. Hafiz, “Origin of the Larger Values of Total Cross Section for Helium Scattering from Isolated Atomic Steps”, Accepted for Publication in the Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 60(2), July 2012.

02. Md. Saiful Islam, Member, IACSIT, Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz, and Zerina Begum , “Quantum Cost Efficient Reversible BCD Adder for Nanotechnology Based Systems”, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering,Vol.4, No.1, January, 2012.

03. Tahmina Begum, Zerina Begum, M. Z. Hafiz, Kazi Shamim Sultana and A K Roy, “Development of a Simple Deep Level Transient Spectrometer Based On Lock in Amplifier for Characterizing Defect-states in Semiconductors”, J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 37(2), pp 189-195, December 2011.

04. Md. Saiful Islam, Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Zerina Begum, Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz, “Fault Tolerant Variable Block Carry Skip Logic (VBCSL) using Parity Preserving Reversible Gates”, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.3, No.1, February, 2011.

05. Kazi Shamim Sultana and M. Z. Hafiz, “Energy Dependence of Total Cross Section for Scattering of Helium Atoms From Isolated Atomic Steps”, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 23-31, 2010.

06. Saiful Islam, Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Zerina Begum, and Mohd Zulfiquar Hafiz , “Realization of a Novel Fault Tolerant Reversible Full Adder Circuit in Nanotechnology”, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3, July 2010.

07. Md. Saiful Islam, Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Zerina Begum and Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz, “Efficient Approaches for Designing Fault Tolerant Reversible Carry Look-Ahead and Carry-Skip Adders” MASAUM Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (MJBAS), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.354-360, October 2009.

08. M. S. Islam, M. M. Rahman, Z. Begum and M. Z. Hafiz, “Fault Tolerant reversible logic synthesis: carry look-ahead and carry-skip adders”, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, pp. 396-401, July 15-17, 2009.

09. M. S. Islam, M. M. Rahman, Z. Begum, M. Z. Hafiz and A. A. Mahmud, “Synthesis of fault tolerant reversible logic circuits”, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Testing and Diagnosis, Chengdu, China, April 28-29, 2009.

10. M. S. Islam, M. M. Rahman, Z. Begum and M. Z. Hafiz, “Low cost quantum realization of reversible multiplier circuit”, Information Technology Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 208-213, 2009.

11. Zerina Begum, Kazi Shamima Sultana, M. Z. Hafiz and A. K. Roy, “Construction of a Computerized Deep Level Transient Spectroscopic System”, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 57(1), pp. 107-111, January 2009.

12. Mohammed Shaiful Alam Khan and Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz,Control of Electric Power Backup Devices Using Telecommunication Network”, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 57(2), pp. 209-213, July 2009.

13. Zerina Begum, M. Z. Hafiz, Kazi Shamima Sultana and A. K. Roy, “Development of Algorithm for a Computerized Deep Level Transient Spectroscopic (DLTS) System”, Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 57(2), pp. 217-222, July 2009.

14. Zerina Begum, Kazi Shamima Sultana, M. Z. Hafiz and A. K. Roy, “Construction and performance tests of a Base Line Restorer and a Pulse Amplifier for use in a Computerized DLTS Spectrometers”, Journal of the Bangladesh Electronic Society, Vol. 8(1-2), pp. 53-56, 2008.

15. Mohammad Shoyaib, Md. Shariful Islam, M. Z. Hafiz and Zerina Begum, “An Eficient Global Search Algorithm With Conflict Minimization for N-Queens Problem”, Dhaka University Journal of Science, vol. 56(2), pp. 133-138, 2008.

16. Zerina Begum, Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan, Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz, Md. Saiful Islam and Md. Shoyaib, “Software Development Standard and Software Engineering Practice: A Case Study of Bangladesh”, Bangladesh Academy of Science Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 201-210, December 2008.

17. M. A. Hossain, M. Z. Hafiz and D. A. S. Rees, “Buoyancy and thermocapillary driven convection flow of an electrically conducting fluid in an enclosure with heat generation ”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 44, pp. 676-684, 2005 .

18. M. A. Hossain, M. S. Munir, M. Z. Hafiz and H. S. Takhar, “Flow of a viscous incompressible fluid of temperature dependent viscosity past a permeable wedge with uniform surface heat flux”, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 333-341, 2000.

19. M A Hossain, M Z Hafiz, Z Begum and M L Rahman, “High performance processors for real-time control”, In Proc. of the 1st National Conference on Computer and Information Systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 271-276, Dec 9-10, 1997.


Conference Papers

Journal Papers
