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Abdus Satter

Full Name Abdus Satter
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification BSc in Software Engineering, MSc in Software Engineering
DBLP Profile
Google Scholar Profile Profile
ResearchGate Profile
Status On Study Leave


Conference Papers

Journal Papers

1. Atish Kumar Dipongkor, Iftekhar Ahmed, Rayhanul Islam, Nadia Nahar, Abdus Satter, and Md Saeed Siddik. "ABMMRS Eradicator: Improving Accuracy in Recommending Move Methods for Web-based MVC Projects and Libraries Using Method’s External Dependencies." International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 09, PP: 1289-1307, October, 2020, World Scientific [Impact Factor: 0.886 in 2019]

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2. Rayhanul Islam, Abdus Satter, Atish Kumar Dipongkor, Md. Saeed Siddik, Kazi Sakib, "A Novel Approach for Converting N-Dimensional Dataset into Two Dimensions to Improve Accuracy in Software Defect Prediction", Journal of Software (JSW), Vol. 15, No. 6, PP. 147-162, September 30, 2020, International Academy Publishing

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3. Atish Kumar Dipongkor, Rayhanul Islam, Nadia Nahar, Iftekhar Ahmed, Kishan Kumar Ganguly, S.M. Arif Raian, and Abdus Satter. "Reduction of Multiple Move Method Suggestions Using Total Call-Frequencies of Distinct Entities". International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB), Vol.12, No.4, PP. 21-29, August 2020, Modern Education and Computer Science Press.

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4. Md. Masudur Rahman, Abdus Satter and B M Mainul Hossain. "An Empirical Study on Stack Overflow Security Vulnerability in Well-known Open Source Software Systems". International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 176, No. 39, PP. 10-15, July 2020, Foundation of Computer Science (FCS)

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5. Md Masudur Rahman, Rashed Rubby Riyadh, Shah Mostafa Khaled, Abdus Satter and Md Rayhanur Rahman. "MMRUC3: A recommendation approach of move method refactoring using coupling, cohesion, and contextual similarity to enhance software design." Software: Practice and Experience, Vol. 48, No. 9, PP. 1560-1587, September 2018, Wiley Online Library.

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6. Nabil Ibtehaz and Abdus Satter. "A partial string matching approach for named entity recognition in unstructured bengali data." International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2018, Modern Education and Computer Science Press

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7. Abdus Satter and Nabil Ibtehaz. "A Regression based Sensor Data Prediction Technique to Analyze Data Trustworthiness in Cyber-Physical System." International Journal of Information Engineering & Electronic Business, Vol 10, No. 3, 2018, Modern Education and Computer Science Press.

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8. Abdus Satter and BM Mainul Hossain. "Vulnerabilities assessment of emerging web-based services in developing countries." International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business, Vol 8, No. 5, 2016., Modern Education and Computer Science Press

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