List of selected candidates of MSSE Admission Test (Session:2023-24) has been published. For details please click here

Welcome to Institute of Information Technology

Institute of Information Technology (IIT), University of Dhaka started its journey in June 2001 to create efficient manpower in information technology. IIT currently offers Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE), Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSSE), Master in Information Technology (MIT) and Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT). Apart from its regular activities, it also produces state-of-the-art researches and those are published in world class journals and conferences.

IIT has a silent ambience and is adjacent to the Dhaka University Science Library. The four-storied red ceramic IIT building contains six software laboratories, one seminar library and two large classrooms. The laboratories and classrooms are air-conditioned and equipped with multimedia, document camera system and Internet facilities.

Why IIT?

IIT is a proactive institute with a clear vision to meet the cutting edge demands of IT industry. This vision is achieved by providing flexibility in courses and patterns of study. Quality teaching in coherence with the needs of the student as current and future professional helps everyone to reach maximal potential. Students can nurture their paramount of excellence here because, IIT offers these impeccable opportunities:

  • Software Engineering degree from University of Dhaka, the pioneering publicly funded comprehensive academic and research university of Bangladesh
  • Close teacher-student relationship ensuring a tremendous learning environment
  • Intensive collaboration with IT industry
  • Internship opportunities to students
  • Participation in active research groups led by faculty members, where students can work towards solving scientific and engineering research problems
  • Vibrant environment to participate in different computing and ICT concept competitions, and a proud pedigree of winning
  • State-of-the-art Internet and computing facilities with student computer ratio of 1:1
  • Five dedicated air-conditioned labs, classrooms, and library offering most conducive learning environment
  • Colorful cultural ambiance with ample opportunities of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities


The sole purpose of IIT is to plant the seed of professionalism, excellence and respect through teaching based on real life experience. IIT believes that doing so should aid in realizing its vision. The main focus of IIT is to enhance the competitiveness of the students through academic innovation and research which will eventually help them to serve the society effectively. IIT is intended to move towards the following footsteps to achieve such goal:

  •       Provision of high quality education in software engineering via –
  •           Interactive teaching and learning sessions
  •           Global engagement
  •           Hands on learning experience
  •       Maintaining relationship with the industry through effective and dynamic industry-academia collaboration